Bittersweet Yesterdays (Mills & Boon Vintage 90s Modern)【電子書籍】[ Kate Proctor ]


<p><strong>Nothing but Trouble</strong></p> <p>Lucy Preston had been a headache for Mark Waterford since she was a teenager - a rebel whose only cause was to make her infuriatingly autocratic stepbrother's life as miserable as possible. She'd grown up somewhat in the past years; she'd found a niche at Waterford Consortium and had mercifully avoided any confrontations.</p> <p>Until Mark decided to make her his assistant. Mark was considered to be every woman's dream man, and Lucy hoped that one of them would quickly get him off her back. And then she realized that Mark's attention wasn't nearly as unwelcome as it once had been!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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