Flirting With Danger (Mills & Boon Vintage 90s Modern)【電子書籍】[ Kate Walker ]


<p><strong>Dangerous Liaisons A secret admirer?</strong></p> <p>Catherine Davies was being stalked by an obsessive admirer. He seemed to know everything about her - where she lived, what she wore and who she went out with. Worse, Evan Lindsay had nominated himself as her bodyguard. Having the devastatingly handsome Evan near at hand was a danger in itself. Was he interested in her safety or her body? Catherine was starting to lose her perspective… .</p> <p>If Evan was the good guy, who was her secret admirer… or were they one and the same man?</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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