A Family for Christmas (Mills & Boon Vintage Love Inspired)【電子書籍】[ Kate Welsh ]


<p><strong>THE CHILDREN OF HIS HEART</strong></p> <p>Trenton Osborne knew that his beloved wife, Maggie, was made for raising little ones. But Trent secretly, desperately, feared failing at fatherhood. So even with Christmas coming and ten years of marriage at stake, he had to let Maggie go….</p> <p>But on the brink of their divorce, like a gift from God, four orphaned children entered their lives and their hearts. Watching Maggie instantly open her arms to his nieces and nephews, Trent himself couldn't turn away. But could he triumph over his terror and make his marriage whole once more? Could he finally give Maggie a family for Christmas?</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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